Here you go: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery

How do I change this image on the top of my browser in the tab (aka the favicon)?

Simply navigate to YourPublicFolder/img/

You will see a file called favicon.ico

Replace that file with your own icon. It needs to be renamed to "favicon.ico" and its dimensions should be 32x32 in pixels.

The logo on the navbar is a little small. How can I change this?

Simply navigate to app/resources/views/themeName/includes/nav/main.blade.php

You will see a block of code that says something like

@if($configurable['community_logo']['value'] != "")
    <img src="{{$configurable['community_logo']['value']}}" alt="{{$configurable['site_name']['value']}}" style="height: 40px; width: auto;">
@elseif($configurable['community_logo']['value'] != "" && $configurable['site_name']['value'] != "")
    <img src="{{$configurable['community_logo']['value']}}" alt="{{$configurable['site_name']['value']}}" style="height: 40px; width: auto;">

Replace style="height: 40px; width: auto;" with what you want. It is recommended that you only change the height paramater to keep everything looking nice.

Last updated